Wednesday, January 20, 2010


WHY and What MXM means?

You can call it as Member gets Member or Money makes Money or any kind......but the most important thing is how you can make money from this program.

It is very easy actually...why I say so because, we deal with life protection which all of us need it but many can't effort to maintain the monthly payments for long period of time or years.

Realizing this fact, MXM has designed a program which make it affordable, not only for the rich, but also for the not so rich.

Get the best insurance protection for FREE

Besides protecting ourselves and love ones from the unexpected injuries, illness or even death, we also have the opportunity to generate income by introducing this program to at least 6 people. They could be your spouse, children, relatives, friends or neighbors. Then you are entitle for RM30.00 rebate for everyone that signs up, and this rebate will take care of your monthly payment. That’s how you get the insurance protection under this program for free.

And a few or all of the 6 whom you signed up, would also want to get the protection for free, thus repeating exactly what you have done. Pretty soon you get a network going and generating income for you indefinitely (if this process continues, on the 4th month you will receive RM5++K.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Wrong. It is true. Don’t you want the opportunity to earn RM5+++ or more a month, even though the chance is remote? The earnings shall continues even after you decide not to introduce new members.

Interested !!!!!: Contact me at 017-3146364